Nothing But the Best for Family: Pets of Great Falls

For us lucky ones, pets are part of our lives. Most pets, regardless if they're furry, feathered, finned, or otherwise, elicit our unconditional love. It doesn't matter the responsibilities and expenses. We are there for them every day, from their cute wide-eyed early weeks of life and for many during their last car ride, our hearts aching.

Unknown to pets, they are the best of human mood-boosters, most of the time. Pets increase our physical levels, even when we growl, crawling out of our warm beds in the predawn darkness and schlumping outside with them or filling their dishes with food and water before making our cups of coffee.

And we take pictures of our pets because their faces are friendly, their lives generally short, and they are our adopted family members, welcomed into our homes and cherished in our hearts.