Pet Connection


Pet Connection

Hunter Mill District Supervisor Walter Alcorn gets some work done, while family cat Princess Carolyn opts for a nap. She was a 13-year-old rescue when she was adopted by his family.

David Griffin, Ana Claudia Griffin, Poppy of Alexandria

“Poppy is a Basset Hound and is almost 1.5 years old. We got him from Peru which is where my wife (Ana, pictured) is originally from. He loves to chew any sticks he finds and really enjoys walking around Old Town. We also go to Blackjack Dog Park off Route 1 almost every day and he loves playing with other dogs.”

Bella held by Lisa McAdams at Moscow international cat show in 2003

MV-Bella with Lisa McAdams in February 2022.jpg

Journalist Lisa McAdams was covering the international cat show in Moscow, Russia, in 2003 when four-month-old Bella reached out with her paw to touch her and stole her heart.  Now 19 years old, Bella has lived for the last 15 years in Alexandria, Virginia, with Lisa and her husband, Michael Collins, who affectionately refer to her as “the Czarina!”

Photo courtesy of Barbara Nugent

Rescue dogs. Molly, 13 years old, is the yellow Lab, and Sadie, eight years, is the chocolate lab. They are a bonded pair, not to be separated and love their forever home with Barbara Nugent, Park Services Division Director at Fairfax County Park Authority. Nugent has provided a loving home to many senior labs over many years. To consider adopting a senior lab, visit

Juno has been a resident of Arlington for almost 6 years. Her eight sons and two daughters live all over the country, but a few still live in Arlington. She cries when she is reunited with anyone in her family — no matter the species. Like any new mother, she had a makeover when the pups were all gone and she could stop nursing them, finally, and getting her figure back, could dress up again. 

Photo by Eden Brown/The Connection