Collect for Kids

School supply and backpack collection efforts are underway for students in FCPS.

Educate Fairfax works alongside many local non-profits, businesses and faith-based organizations to provide school supplies and backpacks to students in need in FCPS. These supplies prepare them to start school in the fall with a smile.  

Educate Fairfax purchases school supply kits to be delivered to schools. Your $10 donation will provide a kit with 10 items in it for a student in need. 

Collect for Kids is a county-wide coordinated effort related to the collection and distribution of school supplies and backpacks in Fairfax County.

Educate Fairfax raises funds for the purchase of preassembled school supply kits for our students in need.  Monetary donations can be made at the Collect for Kids donation page.

FCPS does not accept physical donations of backpacks or school supplies, but will share best practices on collection efforts for interested groups. These groups may be connected directly to one of the many local organizations that work with the Collect for Kids effort.  

Email Kathy Ryan for more information.