Join Great Falls Trailblazers

For over twenty years Great Falls Trailblazers have worked to connect neighbors and neighborhoods in Great Falls Village by a series of safe walking and biking trails. Our goal is to help make Great Falls a village not only in name but also a village in attributes. We envision a Great Falls Village trail system where residents in one neighborhood can visit friends in another, take children to play, walk the dog, exercise and even visit the Library without needing a car.

Trailblazers were instrumental in the implementation of the paved trail along Georgetown Pike (193) from Utterback Store Road to Seneca Road. Eventually this trail will be completed to the Village. The vision is that one day this trail will be completed to River Bend Road and into Great Falls National Park. Development of trails have been helped by Virginia Law (Code 29.1-509) which states that if an owner grants a trail easement on their property or gives someone permission to walk or bike on said property - the property owner is not liable in case of an accident.

Partnerships with local and neighborhood organizations are critical for the development and care of a trail system. For years, Trailblazers have worked to keep the widely used Hickory Creek Trail open and now the neighbors and the local HOA have taken over the maintenance and it continues to be much enjoyed. High school volunteers and local Scout troops have helped in our efforts and it also provided these young people an opportunity to fulfill their service hours. The Trailblazers want to thank these neighbors and the Tralee and Falcon Ridge HOA for their maintenance and interest in their beautiful neighborhood trails. 

For years the Trailblazers have sponsored the 5K Fun Run on July 4th and we plan to host the run again in 2022 at 8 a.m. The Fun Run starts at the Great Falls Library and is open to runners/joggers of all ages. We want to thank Innsbruck and Arnon Ridge HOAs and Stone Ridge Farm for their help with the run.  In recent years this fun event has grown to over 200 participants. We hope to see you there this July 4th at 8am.

The Trailblazers meet monthly in addition to the trail work days where volunteers “clip and clear” trails throughout Great Falls Village. We also sponsor periodic trail walks where people are invited to walk a designated trail so neighbors can learn about their local trails.

See our website for more information and a map of the many trails in our neighborhoods: WWW.GREATFALLSTRAILBLAZERS.ORG

Gordon Harris

Great Falls