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Mercia Hobson

Stories by Mercia

GFCA Board Introduces Its Nominated Board Slate

Additional nominations accepted May 31.

Additional nominations accepted May 31.

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Community Matrix: Path to More Equitable Policing in Fairfax County

Police Reform Matrix Working Group shares recommendations at public safety committee meeting.


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NAACP School Board Forum

Hunter Mill school board candidates Melanie Meren and Paul Thomas answer tough questions.

School Board

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School Board Candidates Answer Tough Questions from NAACP

Endorsements matter for non-partisan candidates.

School Board

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Fairfax County NAACP Virtual School Board Candidate Forum

At-large school board candidates answer tough questions.

School Board

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‘The Last Cavalry Sword’ by McLean Author

A nonfiction book by C. Anthony Burke


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Shoppers Welcome the Opening Days at County Farmers Markets 2023

Last night in the ground, next day on your plate.

Farmer's Markets

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One-Lane Bridges Connect Great Falls, Divide Residents.

Members of Great Falls Citizens Association vote on preferences.

Bridge Plan

Democratic Primary June 20; Early Voting Starts May 5

Could new faces, new districts alter the political landscape?


Grand Jury Fails to Indict for Johnson’s Death

Former FCPD Sgt. Wesley Shifflett won’t face criminal charges, at least now.

Shooting verdict

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Calling Leaders to Action in Wake of Police Shooting

Ecumenical Service links 60th anniversary of MLK’s “Letter From Birmingham Jail” with call to action about police use of force.

Police shooting

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Three-Day of Budget Public Hearings

Out in force, crying out for help from Fairfax County.

Budget Hearings

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Rebuilding zMOD

Jenga-like collapse follows Virginia Supreme Court ruling; reconstruction starts with public hearings.


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Public Hearings Coming on County Budget

The voices of McLean Citizens Association and SEIU


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TJ Team: NASA TechRise Winners

Proposed experiment to launch into stratosphere.

Proposed experiment to launch into stratosphere.

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NAACP Rally for Justice

Demanding inclusive and equitable police practices.


Submissions Sought for Fairfax County History Commission Award Programs

Submissions Sought for Fairfax County History Commission Award Programs

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GFCA Responds to Overturning of z-MOD

Virginia Supreme Court voids ZMOD; back to 1,200-page zoning ordinance


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Video Shows Fatal Police Shooting of Unarmed Suspect

Police body camera video shocks; reactions come in.

Police shooting video

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2023 Student Peace Awards of Fairfax County

Twenty-seven individuals and groups work for peace.

Peace Awards

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Native Plant Sale To Benefit Friends of Riverbend Park

Bluebells at the Bend Festival.


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Collective Bargaining for Teachers and Some Employees

Adoption of resolution shifts labor relations.


Board of Supervisors Seeks to Raise its Salaries

Supervisors Herrity and Alcorn vote no.

BOS salaries

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Proposed Budget Has a Long Way To Go

Average homeowner would pay about $120 more a year in property taxes.


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Marking Black History

County students learn about African American contributions and History; six new historical markers to tell the stories.

Black History

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Wegmans, Reston Opens: Anchor for Halley Rise

“Caring company with a passion for food.”

Wegmans, Reston Opens: Anchor for Halley Rise

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Recognizing Covid Heroes

Fairfax County Health Department celebrates partners who rose to pandemic’s many challenges.

Covid heroes

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Rise Against Hunger

Local Rotary and Interact clubs pack meals.

Local Rotary and Interact clubs pack meals.

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Highlights of Board of Supervisors Meeting

Lower real estate tax rate for the surviving spouses of military service members who died in the line of duty.

Board of Supervisors Meeting

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What’s Up With the Bus in NoVa?

Plans for more and improved connections, BRT, The One


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A Roll Model With a Crown and Sash

Miss Virginia visits a Reston elementary.

Miss Virginia visits a Reston elementary.

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Teacher Wants to Erase Student Meal Debt

VA Bill H-1967: School meals; availability at no cost to the student

Student meals

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Satellite Gallery in Reston for Vienna Arts Society

“Earth, Wind and Fire” opens in Vienna

“Earth, Wind and Fire” opens in Vienna

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Vienna Wants to Boost Its Tree Canopy

Protecting and increasing canopy a top 2023 council priority after losing 163 acres of trees in 10 years.

Protecting and increasing canopy a top 2023 council priority after losing 163 acres of trees in 10 years.

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German Armed Forces Help Fight Hunger Here

Helps fight hunger.


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Champions of the County’s Fragile Urban Forest

Winners of the 2022 Friends of Trees Awards recognized.

Urban Champions

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If the Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree …

Descendants of Isaac Newton’s inspirational apple tree find homes on FXCO-Owned Property


Open House at Turner Farmhouse

Look at what the foundation has been doing.

Turner Farmhouse

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Winter Block Party by Old Firehouse at MCC

First big event for the new executive director of MCC.

Block Party

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Fairfax Delegation Hears Residents’ Concerns

Fairfax Delegation Hears Residents’ Concerns

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Vying for a Slice of Pedestrian & Cyclist Safety

Community association hosts meeting with FCDOT; speed cameras with fines coming.

Board Meets on Safety