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Michael Lee Pope

Stories by Michael Lee

On the Campaign Trail

Turnout for Tuesday's primary was abysmally low, with only 140,000 participating in the voting.

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Establishment Wins Democratic Primary

State senators beat out first-time candidates for lieutenant governor and attorney general.

Two first-time candidates had a hard time beating back the establishment this week, as two state senators won the Democratic nomination for lieutenant governor and attorney general Tuesday night.

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Tea Party Ticket

Republican convention selects conservative slate of candidates for November.

Perhaps the biggest sign that the Tea Party has taken control of the Republican Party of Virginia was the yellow Gadsden flag emblem that appeared on placards distributed by supporters of Jeannemarie Devolites Davis, who was one of seven candidates vying to be the nominee for lieutenant governor last weekend at a raucous convention in Richmond. Davis, who represented Fairfax County for a decade in the General Assembly, has a reputation as being a moderate.

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Governor Approves Conditional Budget for Medicaid Expansion

Vote-swapping operation traded transportation votes for Medicaid money.

Half a million uninsured Virginians may be eligible for Medicaid under an agreement now being worked out in Richmond — a deal in which Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell agreed to include Medicaid expansion as part of the budget if Senate Democrats supported a transportation package.

Nazi Commonwealth

Bipartisan team seeks compensation for victims of forced sterilization.

Nobody knows how many people are survivors of Virginia’s forced sterilization program, which targeted people with mental illness, mental retardation or epilepsy. But a bipartisan effort now under consideration in Richmond would hand each and every one of them a $50,000 check from the people of Virginia. According to one calculation, that could mean as much as $73 million.

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Four Northern Virginia Senators Targeted

Redistricting effort puts Fairfax County seats in the spotlight.

Four Northern Virginia state Senators are targets of a Republican-led effort to draw new districts — Sen. George Barker (D-39), Sen. Dave Marsden (D-37), Sen. Toddy Puller (D-36) and Sen. Chap Petersen (D-34). Democrats say the redistricting effort is a cynical attempt to take advantage of the absence of Sen. Henry Marsh (D-16), a prominent civil rights veteran, who was in Washington, D.C. for the inauguration on Monday. But state Sen. John Watkins (R-10) of Powhatan defended the effort as a way to create a sixth majority black Senate district in Southside. It passed the Senate on a 20-to-19 vote.

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Making Schools Safer

Two Northern Virginia Democrats take part in panel to consider school security.

Do Virginia schools need more guns? That question is at the heart of a debate that’s now reaching a fever pitch in the commonwealth, especially after a man with a Bushmaster assault rifle blasted his way into a Connecticut elementary school and killed 20 children and six adults before killing himself. Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell responded to the tragedy by creating a School Safety Task Force, which is considering a proposal for every school in Virginia to have an armed school resource officer.

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Should Virginia’s Governor Be Able to Run for Reelection?

Longstanding ban on second consecutive term to be reconsidered this year.

Virginia is the only state that limits its governor to a single, four-year term, a vestige of the distrust Americans had for executive power during the American Revolution. Now, more than two centuries later, the commonwealth may finally be ready to ditch the longstanding term limit and allow Virginia’s governor to run for reelection.

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Legislators Are Not Gun Shy About Responding to Connecticut Shooting

Should access to guns be limited or expanded?

Last year's mass shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut has already prompted a heated debate about gun control in Virginia, where the upcoming session of the General Assembly is likely to feature a number of bills on both sides of the issue.

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Use of Food Stamps Skyrocketing in Northern Virginia

Program doubles in Arlington, triples in Fairfax and quadruples in Alexandria.

The use of food stamps is skyrocketing in Northern Virginia, and the spike isn’t just about the recession.

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Uranium Money Spreads Across Virginia in Radioactive Debate

Upcoming General Assembly session to feature effort to lift ban on uranium mining.

The uranium deposits under the farmlands of Pittsylvania County are miles away from Northern Virginia, but the debate about what happens there is shaping up to be one of the hottest issues of the upcoming General Assembly session.

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Voters to Determine Fate of Amendment to Limit Use of Eminent Domain

Measure will allow property owners to seek damages for loss of profits and access.

Nowhere is the debate about eminent domain more intense than the foot of King Street in Alexandria, where city officials threatened to take land owned by the Old Dominion Boat Club using the power of eminent domain for flood mitigation.

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The Passover Amendment: Should Legislators Meet on Religious Holidays?

Former Del. David Englin (D-45) was behind amendment now before voters.

Every year, the Virginia General Assembly convenes several weeks after the session to react to the governor’s vetoes.

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Should Virginia Compensate for Dark Days of Eugenics?

Del. Patrick Hope (D-44) asks governor and General Assembly to form a task force.

The number of victims is unknown in Virginia’s system of forced sterilization, a dark chapter that stretched from the 1920s into the 1970s.

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Consumer Confidence on the Rise in Washington Region

Survey participants perceive regional economy better than broader national picture.

Consumer confidence is on the rise, according to results of a new survey by the Greater Washington Board of Trade.

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Inaction May Cause Federal Officials to Create Health-Care Exchange for Virginia

January 2013 is the deadline for the commonwealth to create authority for exchange.

Virginia is suffering from deadline fever, although Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell is calling for a second opinion.

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Despite Failing Grade on Transparency, Law Enforcement Officials Resist Opening Access

Advocates for public access remain frustrated by persistent lack of transparency.

Back in March, Virginia received a failing grade from the State Integrity Investigation as the result of a systematic lack of transparency.

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Even in Closed Cases, Police Maintain Culture of Secrecy

Public must rely on information police agencies choose to share, even if it's wrong.

In December of 2008, the Fairfax Police Department chased 19-year-old Hailu Brook across the county line into Arlington and shot him dead.

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Northern Virginia Bill Signing Puts Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence in Spotlight

A rare moment of bipartisanship between Republican governor and Democratic legislators.

Strangulation will be punished more aggressively to combat violence against women. Campus police will work with other police agencies to crack down on domestic violence of unmarried couples. And the telephone number for a human trafficking hotline will be placed in the restrooms at strip clubs across Virginia.

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Federal Prosecutors Uncover Schoolyard Prostitution Ring in Suburban Fairfax County

U.S. Attorney: Underground Gangster Crips led prostitution ring that spanned Northern Virginia.

The high school girls were threatened with violence if they attempted to leave. They were sexually exploited by customers of the sex trafficking operation as well as the men who ran the prostitution ring.

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Fairfax Board of Supervisors Considers Raising Stormwater Management Fee

One-penny hike on property tax could raise $35 million for projects throughout the county.

When it rains, it pours. That’s why Fairfax County taxpayers may have to fork over more money this year for stormwater management.

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Virginia Officials Deliberately Moving Slowly on Health Care Exchange

If Supreme Court upholds health-care reform, governor would have to call special session.

Virginia has eight months to create a certification plan for how it plans to create a health-care exchange, a legal requirement of President Barack Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Business Matters

How far did the empire of Orange Julius reach? What’s the capital of Banana Republic? Is Aeropostale aerodynamic?

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Stakes Are High in Virginia Budget Standoff

Lawmakers flee Capitol, where partisan gridlock reigns.

The budget standoff in Richmond could have drastic consequences in Northern Virginia, where every service from education to transportation is on the line.

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Fairfax Supervisors to Consider Even More Cuts to Library System

In the last four years, more than $5 million has been slashed from the library budget.

Walk into the Centreville Library and one is confronted with an institution in crisis.

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Not-So-Super Tuesday

Turnout for Virginia's presidential preference primary was lowest in recent memory.

With two of the major candidates in the Republican presidential contest failing to qualify for the ballot in Virginia, Super Tuesday was anything but super.

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Local Governments Enjoy Record Spending

Bucking national trend, local governments here expand while others are contracting.

As local governments across America are laying off firefighters and teachers, governments in Northern Virginia are experiencing record levels of spending and an all-time-high number of employees.

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State Senate Committee Kills Effort to Overturn King's Dominion Law

School boards were encouraged by support from governor, but couldn't win over Senate committee.

The Senate Committee on Education and Health voted today to kill an effort overturning the King's Dominion Law, which mandates that school divisions across Virginia begin classes after Labor Day.

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Outgoing County Executive Tony Griffin Presents Final Budget Proposal

$6.7 billion proposal is a 6.1 percent budget increase.

Appearing before members of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors for the last time, outgoing county executive Anthony Griffin had the luxury of taking the long view.

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Governments Across Virginia Hope to Kill Local Aid to the State Program

Jurisdictions hope to kill funding scheme created at height of recession.

In the darkest days of the global financial crisis, leaders in Richmond were willing to do almost anything to balance the budget.

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Voters to Have Final Say on Eminent Domain Amendment

Opinions are divided as to what kind of influence the amendment could have if passed.

This fall, voters across Virginia will be confronted with a hotly debated amendment to the Virginia Constitution that seeks to limit the ability of local governments to use the power of eminent domain.

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Virginia Commonwealth Transportation Board Steps Out of the Jazz Age

Bill would increase representation for Northern Virginia, Richmond and Hampton Roads.

For almost a century, the Commonwealth Transportation Board has been partying like it was 1922.

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Tightening Asbestos Regulations

Bill protecting workers passes Senate with unanimous vote.

It’s a dirty job, but somebody’s got to do it. Yet labor advocates say the people who are licensed to remove asbestos may not be fully aware of the dangers posed by toxic chemicals.

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Cementing the Districts

Republicans try to lock in eight-to-three advantage in congressional redistricting.

Now that congressional redistricting has moved through the House of Delegates and the Virginia Senate, a picture of 2012 is beginning to take shape.

Moderate Mutiny

With the sluggish economy at the forefront of voters’ minds this year, former Democratic Gov. Tim Kaine hopes to put fiscal issues at the top of his campaign to fill the seat vacated by Democratic U.S. Sen. Jim Webb. In an interview on Thursday, Jan. 19, Kaine said he hopes to promote a "talent economy" in Washington. It’s a reality the former governor says has become evident in the last few decades, when Virginia moved from being one of the lowest median income states to being one of the wealthiest.

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Moderate Mutiny

Former governor wants to impose Virginia “talent economy” on Washington; increase bipartisanship.

With the sluggish economy at the forefront of voters’ minds this year, former Democratic Gov. Tim Kaine hopes to put fiscal issues at the top of his campaign to fill the seat vacated by Democratic U.S. Sen. Jim Webb.

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Politics of Notification

Father takes his plight for increased parental notification to Richmond.

Steve Stuban can’t help but wonder if things could have turned out differently.

Council Notebook

Smoking is still legal in Alexandria, but it’s increasingly discouraged.

In Session

Now that congressional redistricting has moved through the House of Delegates and the Virginia Senate, a picture of 2012 is beginning to take shape

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West End Worries

Beauregard small-area plan raises concerns about displacing poor residents.

Like the street that bears his name, Confederate Gen. Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard was difficult to manage.

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It’s Done, Sort Of

Controversial plan passes on 5-to-2 vote; opponents vow to overturn.

After hearing more than eight hours of heated testimony for and against a controversial plan to allow hotels and increase density at three sites on the waterfront, Alexandria City Council members cast a party line vote on the planning documen

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Protesting the Vote

Alexandria officials say City Hall is not open for business during a public hearing.

Is City Hall open for business during a public hearing? Alexandria officials say no, but that could be a matter litigated in the Alexandria Circuit Court.

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Undercutting King’s Dominion Law

Governor supports Northern Virginia’s plight to start schools before Labor Day.

Ever since Republicans gained a narrow one-vote majority in the state Senate, many in Northern Virginia have been fearing a loss of influence in Richmond.

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Democrats Launch Primary Campaign

Candidates are eager to win back two seats lost in the last election cycle.

Six candidates officially launched their campaigns this week at a meeting of the Alexandria Democratic Committee, and several more are expected in the coming weeks.

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Allen Declares War on Unions

Former governor goes on the offensive against organized labor.

Hoping to capitalize on anti-union sentiment in Virginia this year, Republican George Allen is giving labor issues a starring role in his bid to recapture the Senate seat he lost to Jim Webb in 2006.

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Fresh Uncertainty

New insurance requirements puts two farmers markets in a state of limbo.

The tomatoes aren’t the only bumper crop at the farmers’ market this year. Liability insurance has also blossomed in recent months, creating a fresh sense of uncertainty at two Alexandria farmers markets.

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Civil War Looms Large at Cemetery

The first burial took place in June 1861: Corporal Allen Greely, from Bravo Company of the Vermont Infantry.

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Emission Ambition

County sets goal to reduce carbon emissions by 10.4 metric tons over the next 40 years.

Arlington County has a new goal to slash carbon emissions. But the first-ever community energy plan unanimously adopted last month imposes no mandates or penalties if residents and business fail to clean up their act. And it doesn’t set any money aside for strategic investments.
